Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (2024)

I’ve found 8 delicious, healthy, slow cooker soup recipes that beg to be tried this fall! You’re going to absolutely love these recipes! Each is unique, completely healthy, and pretty simple.

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (1)

Back to school, football season, fall, and cooler weather make us all think about using that Crockpot! To be honest I use mine a lot throughout the summer as well to not heat up the house but I know that’s not the norm!

Slow cookers are amazing.

I’ve found throughout the years you can make anything, literally ANYTHING in a Crockpot! I am constantly trying to cook new things in my slow cooker with great success. There’s a little bit of a learning curve but slow cookers are so simple.

RELATED: Brand New Healthy Dump and Go Slow Cooker Soup Recipe

Here’s my best tips for learning how to use a Crockpot.

  1. Learn how much liquid to add to the type of recipe you’re making and remember it’s not going to evaporate! and
  2. Remember meat goes below the veggies.

If you’re new to slow cooking or just want the easiest slow cooker recipes try out these soups!

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (2)

You can’t really overcook soup.

I love trying new slow cooker recipes but I always go back to soup. Soup has got to be my favorite food… followed shortly by smoothies. I love soup so much I’ll make it even though only half of the family will eat it! I normally try really hard to make sure everyone likes the meals. No so easy since I’m a total herbivore my husband’s a total carnivore, and Jade doesn’t like any foods that are mixed or touching!

Soups are so versatile. You can literally add anything and make a soup! My favorites are veggie soups. So much so I’ll eat them for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner and usually even eat them cold. This roundup is perfect for fall and I’m sure you’ll love every single viral recipe here!

After this mouthwatering roundup you’re definitely going to want to check out a few dozen more amazing healthy slow cooker recipes here:

  • 7 Healthy Slow Cooker Dinner Recipes
  • ALL Your Thanksgiving Favorites in the Crockpot
  • Mouthwatering Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes
  • Delicious Vegetarian Slow Cooker Soups

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So without further adieu… here’s the deliciousness.

1.Minestone Soup

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (3)

From: Marzia (Little Spice Jar)

Though I am a total herbivore nowadays, my childhood was completely different. I ONLY ate broccoli with cheese and spinach with capers… my palate had to be enticed to eat my veggies . I loved only one type of soup, you guessed it, Minestrone. I’m definitely trying this super healthy recipe soon with some whole wheat pasta to see if I can get my little “I don’t like mixed foods” lady on board.

2.Chicken Vegetable Soup

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (4)

From: Best Recipe Box

No fall soup roundup could be complete without a super healthy chicken noodle soup. Not much warms the hands, heart, and mouth like chicken noodle soup from scratch. It’s the absolute classic and I WILL be making this for sure soon!

3.Brocoli Cauliflower Cheese Soup

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (5)

From: Danae at Recipe Runner

This soup sounds so intriguing I can’t wait to try it. It’s a lightened up and unique take on broccoli cheese soup. Using greek yogurt (one of my top favorite substitutions in recipes), cheese, and cauliflower in addition to broccoli for what promises to be a creamy and satisfying healthy soup.

4.Split Pea Soup

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (6)

From: From Valerie’s Kitchen

There’s absolutely no way I could complete a soup roundup without including a wonderful split pea recipe! It’s Eddie’s favorite that he totally turned me on to. I save my ham bones eagerly anticipating our next split pea soup venture. However, we haven’t yet tried making it in the crock pot so this recipe is absolutely begging to be tried with that ham bone anxiously waiting in the freezer.

5.Chicken Potato Soup

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (7)

From: A Spicy Perspective

This is a totally new soup for me! It’s really healthy, plus a little bit of bacon which is totally ok! It sure kicks the flavor up a notch a makes this soup seem totally indulgent. It’s hearty, delicious, and perfect for a really cold night.

6.Chicken Taco Soup (No Cutting)

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (8)

From: Kristine’s Kitchen

This recipe it healthy and zesty and could not be ANY easier! It utilizes canned ingredients to bring you a delectable and filling taco soup! Top it off with a scoop of low fat sour cream and a dash of hot sauce and you’re ready for a taste sensation that will make you forget you’re eating healthy!

7.Cabbage Patch Detox Soup

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (9)

From: Blair at The Seasoned Mom

This recipe is SO up my alley! I love cabbage soups with a tomato base and I love all things detox! This healthy recipe slow cooker soup recipe is easy, fast, and afordable. It has tons of vegetables and some meat to balance it out. PLUS directions for substitutions to create a vegan option!

8.White Bean French Onion Soup

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (10)

From: Chrissie at The Busy Baker

If you’re looking for a tasty, healthy, and really filling soup this is it! Bean soups fill you up quickly. And they keep you full for a long time! This recipe has lots of fresh ingredients for a tasty twist on french onion soup.

9. Easy Healthy Crockpot Vegetable Soup

Healthy Crockpot Vegetable Soup from Vigor it Out

This soup is absolutely loaded with mouthwatering colors, flavors, and nutrients. The delicious ingredients make it a perfect detox soup that the whole family will love! It’s light and flavorful and perfect for a cold evening.

I love having dozens of delicious slow cooker ideas on hand.

Although all of these recipes really make me want to buy one of these BELLA Triple Slow CookerSlow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (12)! Can you imagine? It’d be like Olive Garden in my own house!

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (13)

Go ahead and grab one right now from Amazon through the link if you’re head is screaming “Yes! I totally need that this year!” Or if you host often it’s a great buy and I’ve always been really happy with Bella’s kitchen appliances.

And I have no idea why this awesome slow cooker is so darn cheap right now but I had to share it with you in case you need to pick one up now! This Proctor-Silex 4-Quart Slow CookerSlow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (14) is only $12 right now! Is it black Friday again? Score!

Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (15)

I want to know which soup is your favorite!

I Would LOVE to hear what other recipe roundups you’d love to see for fall! Don’t forget I’ve got another great slow cooker roundup here and a Thanksgiving slow cooker roundup coming out in two weeks! Love blackberries? You’re going to want to read the bomb diggity blackberry recipe roundup for delicious desserts, drinks, and more! Check back in next week for a back to school lunch roundup, and please subscribe to my email list if you want to stay up to date on all my healthy tips! Recipes, workouts, and fun!


I’ve been going a little slow cooker crazy lately so wanted to make sure I give you the chance to check out a couple more AMAZING slow cooker recipe roundups:

  • Slow Cooker Thanksgiving Favorites: To Make The Day Easy Peasy
  • The BEST Healthy Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes


    • Death By Chocolate Protein Bites
    • Super Smooth Peanut Butter Energy Balls
    • Phenomenal Slow Cooker Dinners
    • Delicious Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes
    • The Vegetarian Slow Cooker Soup Roundup
    • All Your Thanksgiving Favorites in the Slow Cooker


Slow Cooker Soup Recipes That are Easy and Healthy For Busy Days (2024)


Is 4 hours on high the same as 8 hours on low? ›

The difference between "High" and "Low" on slow cookers seems to differ with every brand and model. One thing that is consistent, though, is that food takes seven to eight hours to reach a simmer point (around 210°) on low; versus three to four hours on high.

Can I slow cook soup for 24 hours? ›

Yes, you can absolutely prepare your soup in the slow cooker the day before and keep it cooking until the next day. This is a common practice for those who want to have a ready-to-enjoy meal the following night.

Is it OK to put raw chicken in slow cooker? ›

Yes, you can put raw chicken in a slow cooker! Slow cookers and Crock-Pots are designed to cook raw meats. The direct heat from the pot, lengthy cooking time and steam created from the tightly covered container destroys bacteria, making slow cooking safe. You can put frozen chicken in a slow cooker, too!

Is 5 hours enough in slow cooker? ›

Stick to the cook time indicated on your recipe

Most slow cooker meals take 8-12 hours on low or 4-6 hours on high, but there are also recipes for slow-cooked meat that take up to 24 hours. If you want to avoid overcooking your dish, follow the given guidelines as closely as possible.

Is it safe to leave a crockpot on low overnight? ›

Is it safe to leave a slow cooker on for 12 hours? Yes, you can use your slow cooker for longer than eight hours, as long as you keep an eye on it. Many slow cookers do have an automatic shutoff after 24 hours.

Does meat get more tender the longer it cooks in a slow cooker? ›

Your meat will be juicier and more tender

The longer cooking time and the low heat complement each other perfectly. As a result, even though the meat is cooked for far longer, it doesn't dry out because the temperature is low. As a result, this is the best way to retain all the natural juices of the meat.

Is it safe to leave a crockpot on warm overnight? ›

It is not recommended to keep food warm in a slow cooker overnight, even if you turn it off, for several reasons: Bacterial Growth: Bacteria multiply rapidly at temperatures between 40°F (4.4°C) and 140°F (60°C).

What is the most important ingredient in soup? ›

For clear, brothy soups, stock is your most important ingredient. If you want to make a good soup, you need to use an excellently flavored stock — otherwise, the entire pot could be tasteless.

What gives soup the best flavor? ›

Herbs and spices add aroma, flavor, and intensity to soup broth. "Use fresh or dried basil in tomato-based recipes or fresh parsley to add freshness to clear broth soups," says Sofia Norton, RD. You can also go with more heat and spices.

What vegetables should not be added to a slow cooker? ›

Tender vegetables

Vegetables such as peas, asparagus and peppers can become a flavorless, mushy mess in a slow cooker. Stick to heartier root vegetables like potatoes, onions, leeks and yams, or wait to add the tender vegetables until the last 30 minutes or so of cooking time.

Does chicken get more tender the longer it cooks in a slow cooker? ›

The connective tissue is turned to gelatin after slow cooking in moist heat for several hours. That is why tough meats become “fork tender” in the slow cooker.

Why does chicken get tough in the crockpot? ›

Aside from accidentally overcooking the meals, the most common reason we see for tough, rubbery, or overdone chicken is customers using a Crockpot that is far too big.

How many hours on high is 8 hours on low? ›

Eight hours on low equals four hours on high.

Is 2 hours on high the same as 4 on low? ›

How long you cook a dish in your slow cooker depends on whether you set it on high or low and the recipe's original cook time. The general rule is the high setting cooks about twice as fast as the low setting.

Is 3 hours on high the same as 6 hours on low? ›

This means most recipes can be cooked on either setting. If a recipe calls for cooking on the HIGH setting for three hours, you can cook it for seven hours on the LOW setting instead. Or if a recipe calls for eight hours on HIGH, it can be cooked for up to 12 hours on LOW.

What is high 4 hours on a crockpot? ›

Most slow cookers have two slow cooker temperature settings. The 'Low' cook setting reaches temperatures between 164-182°F (reaching a peak of around 205°F after 4 hours). Wondering what temperature is 'High' on a Crockpot slow cooker? The 'High' cook setting tops off at around 205°F after cooking for 4 hours.


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.