How To Use "Con Quién" And "Con Quiénes" In Spanish | FluentVista (2024)

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Discover the correct usage of “con quién” and “con quiénes” in Spanish to master asking and responding to “with who” in different contexts.

Asking “With Who” in Spanish

Using “Con Quién”

When you want to ask “With who” in Spanish, you can use the phrase “Con quién.” This phrase is commonly used in casual conversations to inquire about the person someone is with. For example, you can say, “Con quién vas al cine?” which translates to “Who are you going to the movies with?” Using “Con quién” is a simple and straightforward way to ask about companionship in Spanish.

Utilizing “Con Quiénes”

If you want to ask about multiple people someone is with, you can use the phrase “Con quiénes.” This phrase is used when referring to more than one person. For instance, you can ask, “Con quiénes estudias?” which means “Who do you study with?” Utilizing “Con quiénes” shows that you are interested in knowing about the group of people someone is associated with.

  • Asking “With who” in Spanish is easy with phrases like “Con quién” and “Con quiénes.”
  • These expressions help you inquire about companionship in a casual and friendly manner.
  • Remember to use “Con quién” for singular and “Con quiénes” for plural situations.

Responding to “With Who” in Spanish

When someone asks you “Con quién vas al cine?” (With who are you going to the movies?), you have a variety of responses to choose from. Let’s explore two common responses using the names Juan and María.

Using “Con Juan”

Response 1: “Voy al cine con Juan.” (I am going to the movies with Juan.)

Juan is a popular name in Spanish-speaking countries, so it’s a common response when asked about who you are going with. Whether Juan is your friend, brother, or colleague, this simple answer conveys that you have a plan to hang out with someone named Juan.

Related: How To Invite Someone In Spanish: Ways To Say “Come Over Here

Response 2: “Juan y yo vamos juntos al cine.” (Juan and I are going to the movies together.)

This response adds a bit more detail by specifying that both you and Juan are going together. It emphasizes the companionship aspect of the outing and shows that you have a close relationship with Juan.

Utilizing “Con María”

Response 1: “María me invitó al cine.” (María invited me to the movies.)

In this response, you are highlighting the fact that María extended the invitation to you. It shows that you have a social connection with María and that she took the initiative to include you in her plans.

Response 2: “María y yo compartimos gustos por las películas.” (María and I share a love for movies.)

Related: How To Say Library In Spanish: Translation And Common Phrases

This response goes beyond just stating who you are going with and delves into the shared interests you have with María. It suggests a deeper bond based on common preferences and implies a strong friendship.

By using these responses with Juan and María, you can convey different aspects of your relationships and interactions with others when responding to the question “Con quién vas al cine?” Think about the dynamics of your connections and choose the response that best represents your situation.

Common Phrases for “With Who” in Spanish

Con quién vas al cine?

When you want to ask someone who they are going to the movies with in Spanish, you can use the phrase “Con quién vas al cine?” This phrase translates to “Who are you going to the movies with?” It’s a simple and straightforward way to inquire about someone’s movie-going companion.

  • ¿Con quién vas al cine? – Who are you going to the movies with?
  • Voy al cine con mis amigos. – I am going to the movies with my friends.
  • Mi novio y yo vamos al cine juntos. – My boyfriend and I are going to the movies together.

Con quiénes estudias?

If you want to know who someone studies with in Spanish, you can use the phrase “Con quiénes estudias?” which translates to “Who do you study with?” This question can be used to find out who someone’s study partners are or who they collaborate with on academic projects.

  • ¿Con quiénes estudias? – Who do you study with?
  • Estudio con mis compañeros de clase. – I study with my classmates.
  • Mi hermana y yo estudiamos juntas. – My sister and I study together.

By using these common in Spanish, you can easily engage in conversations about who someone is spending time with at the movies or while studying. Asking about companionship in different activities is a great way to connect with others and learn more about their social circles. So, next time you want to inquire about someone’s movie date or study buddy, remember to use these phrases to spark a lively conversation in Spanish.

How To Use "Con Quién" And "Con Quiénes" In Spanish | FluentVista (2024)


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