August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (2024)

August seasonal produce and recipes! A guide to what’s in season in August plus vegetarian August recipes.

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (1)

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Hiya, Rhubarbarians! Happy August! We are deeeep into summer and are enjoying every bite of all the fresh produce that August has to offer.

Did you try all of the July recipes? Or are you looking forward to September recipes?

The farmers markets are stocked with so much fresh produce right now, as well as herbs and flowers. I hope you are getting out and enjoying them (as safely as possible at least)!

Jump to:
  • What produce is in season in August?
  • Corn
  • Watermelon
  • Blackberry
  • Eggplant
  • Yellow summer squash
  • Tomato
  • Bell pepper
  • Carrot
  • Chile pepper
  • Fig
  • Comments and reviews

What produce is in season in August?

So many fresh fruits and veggies! For this list we are going to focus on corn, watermelon, blackberries, eggplant, yellow summer squash, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, chile peppers, and figs.


Corn is a grain (but maybe a veggie and fruit too?) that is in season from July to October. It's wonderful eaten off the cob, but is also great cut off the cob and added to salads, soups, or as a side dish. I've even seen some dessert recipes made with corn!

Learn more about corn

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (2)

Instant Pot corn on the cob

Quick and easy Instant Pot corn on the cob recipe! This pressure cooker corn on the cob is super fast and comes out perfectly every time.

Check out this recipe

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (3)

More fresh corn recipes:


Watermelon is a fruit that is in season from July to September. The sweet, red flesh is refreshing and hydrating, making it fantastic for hot days. We usually just cut it into triangles and eat it, but it's great in salads or blended up into drinks.

Learn more about watermelon

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (4)

Spicy watermelon feta mint salad

10-minute spicy watermelon feta mint salad! This simple, refreshing watermelon salad recipe is perfect for hot summer days and BBQs.

Check out this recipe

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (5)

More fresh watermelon recipes:


Blackberries are a fruit from the bramble family that are in season from August to September. They grow like weeds in the Pacific Northwest and mark the official sign of late summer for us. They are sweet and a deep purple color. Perfect for snacking, baking, blending into drinks, or adding to a summer salad.

Learn more about blackberries

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (6)

Earl grey tea blackberry smoothie

Earl grey tea blackberry smoothie recipe! A fruity, smoothie spin on the classic earl grey tea with milk and honey.

Check out this recipe

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (7)

More fresh blackberry recipes:


Eggplant, also known as aubergine, is a fruit (yep!) that is in season from June to November. The most common type of eggplant is a large, teardrop shaped purple variety. The texture of eggplant can break down quickly, so it's usually used in purees, stews, fried dishes, or stuffed.

Learn more about eggplant

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (8)

Chickpea pasta with creamy roasted eggplant sauce

Easy, healthy chickpea pasta with creamy roasted eggplant sauce recipe! A vegan and gluten-free meal that your whole family will love.

Check out this recipe

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (9)

More eggplant recipes:

Yellow summer squash

Yellow summer squash is a squash that is in season from June to October. Yellow summer squash is similar to zucchini, with a high water content. It's very mild, making it wonderful to pair with other really flavorful ingredients. Did you know that you can eat the squash blossoms?

Learn more about yellow summer squash

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (10)

Grilled summer squash with goat cheese and oregano

Easy grilled summer squash with goat cheese and oregano is a delicious summer side dish for using up that bounty of fresh summer squash!

Check out this recipe

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (11)

More yellow summer squash recipes:


Tomatoes are a fruit (yep!) that are in season from July to November. They are usually prepared like a vegetable and are one of the most widely loved fruits in the world. Tomatoes are incredibly versatile and are the base for so many savory dishes including sauces, salads, soups, stews, fried dishes, the list goes on!

Learn more about tomatoes

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (12)

Fresh yellow tomato soup

Clean and simple fresh yellow tomato soup recipe! Perfect homemade tomato soup with fresh tomatoes. No peeling necessary!

Check out this recipe

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (13)

More tomato recipes:

  • No cook fresh tomato sauce from Rhubarbarians
  • Tomato gazpacho with crispy falafel chickpeas from Rhubarbarians
  • Heirloom tomato toast with olive walnut basil cream cheese from Rhubarbarians (Can you tell I love tomatoes?)
  • Vegetarian stuffed tomatoes from Maria Ushakova

Bell pepper

Bell peppers are fruits (yep!) that are in season from July to October. Bell peppers are related to chiles, but are sweet and are enjoyed raw or cooked. They come in a range of colors, green being an unripe bell pepper and red being a ripe one.

Learn more about bell peppers

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (14)

Vegan pozole with black beans and poblanos

Easy vegan pozole recipe with black beans, poblanos, and red chiles! A vegetarian version of pozole rojo loaded with hominy, peppers, and flavor.

Check out this recipe

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (15)

More bell pepper recipes:


Carrots are a root vegetable that are in season from June to October. Carrots are sweet, but can have a bit of a spicy bite to them. When cooked, they become very sweet and are even great in desserts like carrot cake. Did you know that the tops are edible?

Learn more about carrots

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (16)

Carrot tahini quinoa veggie burger with tzatziki and purple slaw

Carrot tahini quinoa veggie burger recipe! A super flavorful vegetarian burger topped with tzatziki and purple slaw. This will be your new favorite veggie loaded dinner.

Check out this recipe

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (17)

More carrot recipes:

  • Roasted carrots with carrot top pistachio relish from Rhubarbarians
  • Spicy coconut carrot soup from Rhubarbarians
  • Pulled bbq carrots from Veganosity
  • Coconut carrot rice from Fried Dandelions

Chile pepper

Chile peppers are fruits (yep!) that are in season from July to October. Chile peppers are related to bell peppers, but can range from mild to very, burn-your-face-off-spicy! They are usually used in dishes to add heat and are often times dried and ground into a powder and used as a spice. But they are wonderful raw too!

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (18)

Jalapeno cucumber moscow mule

Jalapeno cucumber moscow mule recipe! A spicy, flavorful twist on the classic moscow mule co*cktail with vodka, ginger beer, and lime.

Check out this recipe

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (19)

More chile pepper recipes:

  • 3 chile quinoa chili from Rhubarbarians
  • Strawberry jalapeno pico de gallo from Rhubarbarians
  • Spicy watermelon feta mint salad from Rhubarbarians
  • Quick pickled jalapenos from Masala Herb


Figs are inverted flowers (whoa!) that are in season from June to July and then again from August to October. Figs are naturally very sweet and are fantastic eaten on their own with a little cheese and honey. They work well for baking or making fig jam as well.

Learn more about figs

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (20)

Maple cinnamon roasted grapes and figs with walnuts

Warm roasted grapes recipe! Maple cinnamon roasted grapes with figs and walnuts is a cozy, vegan fall dish perfect with yogurt, ice cream, crostinis, or cheese boards.

Check out this recipe

August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (21)

More fig recipes:

That's a wrap! Hope you enjoy all that great August produce.

If you make any of these recipes, please let me know on social media or in the comments below! Leave a star rating in your comment or tag me onInstagramwith #Rhubarbarians.

Thank you so much for reading and supporting Rhubarbarians and the brands that I recommend. If you’re looking for a group of people cooking vegetarian recipes through the seasons, join us on Facebook in ourvegetarian and vegan recipes group!


August produce guide + farmers market August recipes - Rhubarbarians (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.